Mindful Massage
Comprehensive & Restorative Therapy


Welcome! Making sure you feel right at home is a top priority! Our beautiful Center is located just off the 405 freeway on Seal Beach Blvd. There is a large parking lot for your convenience. Please contact me if you have any trouble finding us.


Massage therapy is growing in recognition as a preventative and alternative health care practice in the United States. People are experiencing the benefits of regular body work sessions for their physical, mental and spiritual health. They are asking for this work when they are young and healthy as well as when they are challenged with dis-ease, trauma, or the aches and pains life provides us. It is recommended to look for a practitioner who is “right for you”. My practice has been described as nurturing, fluid and thorough. More about my education and work here: about the practitioner


I hope you make massage therapy a regular part of your life and I hope to be the "right fit" for you and your family. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I'm looking forward to working with you!
